Hi! My name is Subhash.

Welcome to my home on the web!

About Me

A Full Stack Engineer currently working with Python, JS, React, C#, and .NET to solve client problems in a scalable and efficient way. I'm intrested in tech(obviously), philosophy, macroeconomics and Bitcoin, I am constantly on the lookout for new products and technologies that I can use to upgrade my own skillset and tackle problems that I may see in the world and face day to day.

When i'm not on the computer i'm probably playing with my cat. I love to go on walks, listen to podcasts, read, make beats, and cook.


  • 4/2021 - Present

    Scope, develop, test and maintain custom integrations and feeds for our clients. Help augment/support client-facing Anomali Research Team tools, such as such as Peripheral and MHN. Help internal Anomali teams in creating/managing/updating custom tools, such as Broker and MHN. Supporting/Training Sales in scoping custom feeds and integrations. Provide ongoing support for our SDK's as a paid for ARR-based service offering. Helping CSO in troubleshooting custom/feeds integrations or Anomali products that requires reviewing the code and any issues associated with it. Assist the Dev Integration or Feeds team with any overflow development work.

  • 7/2019 - 4/2021

    * Working for a client under the Government and Public Services (GPS) sector, with a concentration in insurance data analytics, data pipelines and full stack web development utilizing a Public Trust Clearance. * Built ETL pipelines and web applications with python, Javascript and a SQL based backend that facilitates the mass extraction, transformation and loading of various insurance documents using OCR to extract and organize data. * Built front end views for data entry analysis and verification with a focus on data density and efficiency with React, Javascript and Material-UI and a ASP.NET, C# for the business logic, routing and authentication. Implemented various REST APIs for ETL pipelines. Designed and implemented changes in UI/UX experiences to drive efficiencies in data entry and data reconciliation workflows. * Built and deployed a log analysis pipeline in Python that analyzed user activity in the web application to derive meaningful business insights then exported to PowerBI for visualizations on user metrics and further analysis. * Lead Architect of a pilot data extraction solution, that is able to extract structured and unstructured data from pension plan documentation into a data processing pipeline, saving thousands of hours of manual extraction work and hundreds of thousands of dollars in client expense.

  • 2019

    Graduation | UCF
    B.S. Computer Science

  • 2018

    Intern | ServiceNow

  • 2017

    Research Assistant | UCF